2011年10月13日 星期四





2011年10月6日 星期四

Why not do a different?

"Any1 up for flash tribute to Steve Jobs in public area in your own country and send the video up to make a huge combination? Let's do this!!"
Sent thru twitter,Facebook and G+. Hope some1 will react. 

A year after, another lose

Today I have lost one of the most important spirit mentor and a virtual alongside advisor in real life.
Sort of feeling naked and being more alone.
Hope the logic and architecture of rule they helped me to formed would firm enough to heir the ideal ideas and bring them to real. And apply them in different fields practically.

Thousand millions of people will be witnesses of the coming era you hope to reveal. Maybe not quick as we expected, but surely better then.
Hope your inspiration keep driving Apple marching forward as you were here.

Farewell, mentor and friend, Steve.

Keep service going

Hardware is one thing, software is another. But if you combine them perfectly for service, it becomes the matter. 2010.04 Apple 買下Siri 火藥,2011.10.5 雖然這次不再是由Steve Jobs放火,但是這把火的炙焰不只會讓競爭對手難以靠近,也終於把服務機器人在大眾端的應用燒出雛形。 註:清晨美國傳來消息,Steve Jobs逝世。 R.I.P. Steve Jobs, with your inspiration I will make it better. And salute to you, for all you have done for Dreams.